His Will
The words following Rauffe Byerley of Tuddo deceased being of perfect reason and memory spoke and said to Raufe Watson and Henrye Richardson his neighbours the night before he died viz. 7th day October 1573 at which time lying sick in his forehouse at Tuddo [afore]said I give to my four daughters four whies (?) of of part and required the said Raufe Watson and Henrye Richardson to see them marked and set forth forthe (sic) behouse and forasmuch as his wife was then with child if it were a woman child it to be made as good as the rest and if it were a man child then to have as much as any of the rest and twenty five shilling more and out of J?on harrow with other thing after this word so willed his body to be buried within the church of Brancepeth as near to his fathers and mothers as conveniently might be and willed his wife to make a arbaill cymes for him and nicontinently (?) after he had spoken these words the sickness (?) troubled him so sore that the aforesaid Raufe Watson and Henry Richardson hard him speak no more in this world.
The (Latin) grant of probate include the list Rado Bierley Isabelle Bierley Janet Bierley Elizabeth Bierley + Agnes Bierley
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