Will of Henry Richardson
Will of Henry Richardson, 28 Jan 1579
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Raye (?) children in money 20 L to be paid at such time as my son Robert may easily pay the same. Item: My will is that Isabell Richardson my wife by her own consent and her friend shall be in the house with her son Robert accordingly as she and I have been and in case she and Robert her son can not agree that then she is to have a chamber and 4 k?? gate 2 acres of land in any field and 21 sheep gate and all her own household stuff and ???? to be at his 25??? and a charge … all well content. Item: I give and bequeath unto Robt Raye son of Thomas Raye a whye (?) stick. Item: I give unto Janet Raye a whye (?) stick. Item: I give and bequeath unto Robt Richardson son of John Richardson of Marington a ?? twinter why Item: I give and bequeath unto my brother John Richardson of Marington in money 10s and unto my brother Robt Richardson one angel of gold. Item: I give unto Raphe Harreson and Isabelle Harreson ither of them a gimer hogge. Item: I give unto Christopher Lawson his wife a bushell of wheat. Item: I give unto my sister Margaret Clarke a bushell of wheat. Item: I give unto Richard Rawling a gymer hoge. Item: I give unto Elizabeth ?allele a gymer hoge. The residue of my goods not given and bequeathed I give unto Robert Richardson my son whom I make my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament. I ordain and make … of this my last will Robt Richardson my brother Rafe Watson the Bailife then to see the same fulfilled accordingly. Item: I give unto Rafe Watson for his pains taking a load of otes. Witnesses Raphe Watson William Harrison John Richardson John Sparke.
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